Järjestäjät: Global Women United for Peace against NATO, MAPA (Massachusetts Peace Action) ja No to war – No to NATO
Hyvät rauhanystävät!
Osallistu GWUANin (Global Women United for Peace Against NATO) webinaariin ja kutsu tuttuja ja asiasta kiinnostuneita osallistumaan.
Tämä on jo kolmas webinaari ja osa suunnitteilla olevaa Naton huippukokouksen vastatapahtumaa Washingtonissa heinäkuussa 2024.
Webinaari on englanninkielinen.
Global Women United for Peace Against NATO bring you a series of webinars exploring the terrible cost of militarism across the world.
The third of this series highlights NATO expansion into Africa as the US bullies the continent into more militarism.
Global Women United for Peace Against NATO invite you to this webinar to be held on
January 23rd 2024 at 12.00 New York, 19.00 hours Cape Town and 19.00 hours Eastern Europe.
Since the end of the last century with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the disappearance of the Soviet Union, NATO is on the move. Its “out of area” military operation in Afghanistan in 2011 lasted for 20 years. Since 1994 the African countries Algeria, Egypt, Mauretania, Morocco and Tunisia are, together with Israel and Jordan, in the NATO partnership program – the Mediterranean Dialog (MD).
NATO thus began a “Global NATO” project to use the NATO military alliance to reach beyond its own charter obligations into the South China Sea, to the Caribbean Sea, and to Australia.
Africa’s long anti-colonial history with its giant leaps forward in development are now being challenged by the re-entry of US/NATO and its ensuing military infrastructure throughout the continent. Since 2005 NATO has been working with the African Union (AU 55 countries) but the US hasn’t yet found a host country for AFRICOM (Africa Command) in Africa. It has been located in Stuttgart (Germany) since 2007 and, from there has contact with nearly all African countries.
In this webinar, Women from Africa will share their experience and concerns about these military developments in their communities, countries and the continent.
Please join us by clicking on the graphic to register or by going straight to http://tinyurl.com/msn3tcpt or https://masspeaceaction.org/event/nato-militarism-in-the-africa-women-speak-out/ , and please share.
This webinar will be at 12.00 pm in New York, 19.00pm in Cape Town South Africa, and 19.00pm Eastern European Time
Webinars 1 and 2 were NATO – Climate Killers, and can be found here.
Pippa Bartolotti
on behalf of Global Women United for Peace against NATO