Arja Laine, WILPF- Finnish section – Women’s International League för Peace and Freedom, Ulla Klötzer and Lea Launokari, Women for Peace, Antti Seppänen, PAND – Artist for Peace, and Andreu Ginsetet, silent diplomat, Germany
The letter reminding president Niinistö, the Finnish government and parliament about the urgent need for a new OSCE Summit in 2025. Signatures as of 22nd of April from some 80 organisations from Europe and OSCE member states.
Presentation by Andreu Ginsetet
Message from Heidi Meinzolt
Message from Oleg Bodrov
To the President of Finland, Mr. Sauli Niinistö
Cc: the Government and Parliament of Finland
Re: OSCE Summit in 2025
In March 2021 You, Mr. President made the remarkable initiative for a new OSCE Summit in 2025. You also made the generous offer to hold the summit in Helsinki in honor of the historical summit 50 years ago. You also stated that the idea had got support from Washington, Moscow and Berlin.
Your initiative was also supported by over 130 representatives of non-governmental organisations in the Nordic and Baltic Sea region.
In view of the extremely tense and dangerous situation that we experience today in Ukraine and in the relations between USA/NATO/Europe and Russia, the urgent need for a new OSCE Summit is greater than ever.
Finland – as also Sweden – have traditionally played a strong role as promoters of peace, dialogue and understanding. That role must be upheld and strengthened. The need for respected non-aligned states as intermediaries is urgent. Therefore, we sincerely hope that Finland – as well as Sweden – shall not let all the people that worldwide are uniting for peace and understanding down by joining NATO before the outcome of a new OSCE summit in the spirit of 1975 is clear.
We, some 80 organisations from Europe and OSCE member states (7 remarkable international organisations), are now urging You, Mr. President to do your utmost in order to fulfill your commitment to arrange a new OSCE Summit in 2025, a summit where a true security agenda for all of Europe, respecting also the needs and wishes of Russia, will be discussed and implemented.
People, working for peace and for the survival of our planet in times of growing worldwide social injustice, climate change and climate related catastrophes, are in extreme need of strong signals from the political elite that our fears and hopes are taken seriously.
Europe April 22, 2022
Signatures as of April 22, 2022
- Ban Killer Drones Campaign an international grassroots campaign committed to banning aerial weaponized drones and military and police drone surveillance.
contacts Nick Mottern: nickmottern (at) gmail.com,
Kathy Kelly: kathy (at) vcnv.org
- Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security (CPDCS) contact Joseph Gerson: jgerson80 (at) gmail.com
CPDCS serves as a bridge between peace and nuclear disarmament movements in U.S., Asia, and Europe and contributes to intersectional organizing. The data base includes 10,200 contacts in the U.S. and internationally. CPDCS is partner with numerous U.S. and international organizations, coalitions, and networks.
- Church and Peace – European peace church network, EUROPE/INTERNATIONAL
Contact Lydia Funck: intloffice (at) church-and-peace.org
Church and Peace is the European ecumenical peace church network. The Church and Peace network comprises over fifty communities, churches, training centres, peace service agencies and peace movements, as well as around sixty members from the Mennonite, Quaker, Church of the Brethren, Anglican, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Orthodox, Reformed and Roman Catholic traditions from 15 European countries.
contact Ariel Gold: ariel (at) codepink.org
CODEPINK is a women-led grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs. CODEPINK has a broad international network of allies in different parts of the world and organizes campaigns covering many countries.
- International Peace Bureau (IPB)
contact Reiner Braun: info (at) ipb-office.berlin
IPB has 300 member organisations in 70 countries which together with individual members, form a global network, bringing together knowledge and campaigning experience in a common cause. IPB links experts and advocates working on similar issues in order to build strong civil society movements.
IPB plays a central role in the Geneva-based NGO Committee for Disarmament, a committee of CONGO, the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Status with ECOSOC. There are sister committees in New York and Vienna. Together they follow various disarmament negotiations, within and outside the UN.
- No to war – No to NATO international network
contact: Kristine Karch – Kristine (at) no-to-nato.org
The network unites some 400 national organisations/movements/groups from over 40 countries.
· World BEYOND War – a global nonviolent movement to end war and establish a just and sustainable peace.
David Swanson: davidcnswanson (at) gmail.com
Greta Zarro: greta (at) worldbeyondwar.org
World BEYOND War is a member of the Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases; the Divest from the War Machine Coalition; the Global Day Against Military Spending; the International Peace Bureau; the Korea Collaboration Network; the Poor People’s Campaign; United for Peace and Justice; the United National Antiwar Coalition; the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons; the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space; the international network No to war – no to NATO; Overseas Base Realignment and Closure Coalition; People Over Pentagon; Campaign to End the Selective Service System; the Demilitarize U.S. to Palestine Coalition; Just Recovery Canada; No Fighter Jets Coalition; Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network; Peace Education Network (PEN); Beyond Nuclear; Working Group on Youth Peace and Security; Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace.
er with numerous U.S. and iS. and international organizations, coalitions, and networks.
- Abolition des armes nucléaires – Maison de Vigilance – FRANCE
contact Thierry Duvernoy: abolitiondesarmesnucleaires (at) orange.fr
- Aktionsgemeinschaft Dienst für den Frieden (AGDF) (a network of 31 institutions working with peace in Germany and abroad) – GERMANY
contactJan Gildemeister: gildemeister (at) friedensdienst.de
- Amandamaji ry – FINLAND
contact Marika Lohi: marika.lohi (at) ehtaraha.fi
- Antinuclear society of Tartarstan – RUSSIA
contact Albert Garapov: algaraf (at) mail.ru
- Aarhus mod Krig og Terror – Aarhus against War and Terror – DENMARK
contact Helge Ratzer: helgeratzer (at) outlook.dk
- Artister för fred – Artists for Peace – SWEDEN
contact Kemal Görgũ: kemalgrg (at) hotmail.com
- ÄrztInnen für eine gesunde Umwelt – Austrian Doctors for the Environment – AUSTRIA
contact Hanns Moshammer: hanns.moshammer (at) meduniwien.ac.at
- Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto –AKL – organization for conscientious objectors – FINLAND
contact Aku Kervinen: aku.kervinen (at) akl-web.fi
contact Boukari OUEDRAOGO: attacburkina (at) yahoo.fr
- Bremer Friedensforum – Bremen Peace Forum – GERMANY
Contact Ekkehard Lentz: info(at)bremerfriedensforum.de
- CND Cymru – the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in Wales – UNITED KINGDOM
contact Brian Jones: heddwch (at) cndcymru.org
- die Feministische Partei DIE FRAUEN (feminist party WOMEN)- GERMANY
contact Margot Müller: info (at) feministischepartei.de
- Ecological North West Line (Internet service for journalists and activists) – RUSSIA
contact Vladimir F.Levchenko: enwl.bellona (at) gmail.com
- Folkkampanjen mot Kärnkraft-Kärnvapen – Peoples’ Movement Against Nuclear Power And Weapons – SWEDEN
contact Jan Strömdahl: jfstromdahl (at) gmail.com
- Frauennetzwerk für Frieden e.V. – Women’s Network for Peace – GERMANY
contact Elise Kopper: info (at) frauennetzwerk-fuer-frieden.de
- Fredens Hus Göteborg – Peace House Gothenburg – SWEDEN
contact Karin Utas Carlsson: k.utas.carlsson (at) gmail.com
- Fredsministerium – Peace Ministry of DENMARK
contact Hasse Schneidermann: hasse.schneidermann (at) gmail.com
- FredsVagten ved Christiansborg – PeaceWatch at Christiansborg – DENMARK
contact Irene Sørensen – 0802irene (at) gmail.com
- Friedensregion Bodensee e.V. – Peace region Bodensee, GERMANY, contact Martina Knappert-Hiese: martina.knappert-hiese (at) freenet.de
- Guild of Environmental Journalists of the Union of Journalists of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region – RUSSIA
contact Lina Zernova: linazernova (at) mail.ru
- Hamburger Forum für Völkerverständigung und weltweite Abrüstung e. V. (Hamburg Forum for International Understanding and Global Disarmament) – GERMANY
Contact: Markus Gunkel: hamburger-forum (at) hamburg.de
- Internasjonal kvinneliga for fred og frihet – WILPF – NORWAY contact Åse Møller-Hansen: frederveien (at) gmail.com
- Internationale Versöhnungsbund – Österreichischer Zweig – International Fellowship of Reconciliation – Austrian Branch – AUSTRIA
contact: Pete Hämmerle – office (at) versoehnungsbund.at
- Internationella kvinnoförbundet för fred och frihet Göteborg (IKFF) – WILPF Gothenburg – SWEDEN
contact Begard Yunis – begardy (at) hotmail.com
- IPPNW Deutschland – IPPNW Germany – GERMANY
contact Angelika Wilmen: wilmen (at )ippnw.de
- Kieler Friedensforum (Kiel peace forum) – GERMANY
contact Benno Stahn: b.stahn (at) kieler-friedensforum.de
- Kooperation für den Frieden (cooperation for peace)– GERMANY
contact Jens-Peter Steffen: steffen (at) ippnw.de
- Kvinnor för Fred – Women for Peace – SWEDEN
contact Susanne Gerstenberg: susanne.gerstenberg (at) telia.com
- Latvian Green Movement – LATVIA
contactJanis Matulis: janis.matulis (at) zalie.lv
- Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb – Gemeinschaft für soziale Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Ökologie e.V. – (a community for social justice, peace and ecology) – GERMANY
contact Michael Schmid: michael.schmid (at) lebenshaus-alb.de
- Left Alternative Association – HUNGARY
contact Gábor Szász: cacpilota (at) gmail.com
- Left Ecological Forum – BELGIUM
contact Michel Vanhoorne: michel.vanhoorne (at) ugent.be
- LE Mouvement de la Paix – FRANCE
contact Roland Nivet: roland.nivet (at) gmail.com –
rennes (at) mvtpaix.org
- Leuvense Vredesbeweging (Leuvense peace movement) – BELGIUM
contact Ria Verjauw: vredeleuven (at) gmail.com
- Muslim Peace Fellowship – USA
contact Susan Smith: susanhsmith (at) forusa.org
- Nej till Nato – No to Nato – SWEDEN
contact Eva Jonsson: eva.e.jonson (at) gmail.com
- Naiset Atomivoimaa Vastaan – Women Against Nuclear Power – FINLAND
contact Ulla Klötzer: ullaklotzer (at) yahoo.com
- Naiset Rauhan Puolesta – Women for Peace – FINLAND
contact Lea Launokari: lea.launokari (at) nettilinja.fi
- Nej till Nato – No to Nato – SWEDEN
contact Eva Jonsson: eva.e.jonson (at) gmail.com
- Network for Building Peace – BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA
Contact Una Telegrafčić: info (at) mreza-mira.net
- PAND – Taiteilijat rauhan puolesta – Artists for peace – FINLAND contact Antti Seppänen: pandtalo (at) hotmail.fi
- Platform Vrouwen en Duurzame Vrede (Platform Women and Sustainable Peace) – NETHERLANDS
contact Anna Zanen: annazanen (at) home.nl
- Public Council of the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland – RUSSIA, contactOleg Bodrov: obdecom (at) gmail.com
- Public eco-movement ”Kola Ecocenter” – RUSSIA
contact Yuri Ivanov: yura.ivanov (at) kec.org.ru
- Social movement ”For Nature”, Chelyabinsk – RUSSIA
contact Andrey Talevlin: a.talevlin (at) gmail.com
- Socio-ecological union International – RUSSIA
contact Sviatoslav Zabelin: svetfrog (at) gmail.com
- Steirische Friedensplattform – AUSTRIA
contact Franz Sölkner: – franz.soelkner (at) thalbeigraz.at
- Svenska Kvinnors Vänsterförbund – Swedish Women of the Left – SWEDEN
contact Ianthe Holmberg: ianthe.holmberg (at) gmail.com - Sveriges Fredsråd – Swedish Peace Council, SWEDEN
contact Agneta Norberg: lappland.norberg (at) gmail.com
- TID TIL FRED – aktiv mod krig – TIME FOR PEACE – active against war – DENMARK
contact Lizette Lassen: dgl (at) tidtilfred.nu
- Ukrainian Pacifist Movement – UKRAINE
contact Yurii Sheliazhenko: yuriy.sheliazhenko (at) gmail.com
- Vrede vzw (Peace) – BELGIUM
contact Ludo De Brabander: ludo (at) vrede.be
- VredesInformatieCentrum (Peace Information Centre) – THE NETHERLANDS
contact Geart Bosma: vredescentrum (at) hotmail.com
- Västernorrlands FN distrikt – Västernorrland UN district – SWEDEN, contact: Sameer Lafta – sameerlafta (at) gmail.com
contact Ria Convents : ria.convents (at) hotmail.com
- Women’s Community ”Soft Power” – RUSSIA
contact Olga Fattush: fattoush (at) mail.ru
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) – NETHERLANDS
contact Rosan Huizenga: huiz.klopp (at) planet.nl
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), Suomen osasto ry – Finnish section – FINLAND
contact Sirkku Järvelä: wilpf (at) wilpf.fi
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) UK Section – UNITED KINGDOM
contact Paula Shaw: ukwilpf.peace (at) gmail.com
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) U.S. section – USA
contact Darien De Lu: president (at) wilpfus.org
- Ingeborg Breines, former UNESCO representative to Pakistan and UN Geneva, director of the Women and a Culture of Peace Programme of UNESCO, former President of the International Peace Bureau, senior advisor to the secretariat of the World Summit of Noble Peace Laureates – NORWAY
contact: i.breines (at) gmail.som
- Václav Exner, former MP of Czech republic and member of Czech delegation in the Parliamentry Assembly of OSCE – CZECH REPUBLIC
contact: ladislav.e (at) centrum.cz
- Andreu Ginestet, Silent Diplomat – GERMANY
contact: andreu_ginestet (at) email.de
- Fredrik Stang Heffermehl, lawyer, writer, peace activist, honorary president, and former president, of the Norwegian Peace Council, former vice president of the International Peace Bureau, former vice president of the International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms – NORWAY
contact: fredpax (at) online.no
- Sven Hirdman former diplomat, ambassador and state secretary in the Ministry of Defense, former deputy director at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) – SWEDEN
Contact: sven.hirdman (at) telia.com
- Marina Janssen, member of the board, NGO Center for Applied Ecology – ESTONIA
contact: marina (at) roek.ee
- Natalia V. Kovaleva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chairman of the St. Petersburg Society of Medical Genetics – RUSSIA
contact: kovalevanv2007 (at) yandex.ru
- Heidi Meinzolt , Board Member for Europe of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, coordinator of the OSCE WG on women and gender realities in the OSCE region – GERMANY
contact: heidi.meinzolt (at) wilpf.org
- Kees Nieuwerth, Quaker and vice-president of the Council of Churches in the Netherlands – NETHERLANDS
conctact: k.nieuwerth (at) wxs.nl
- Richard Petersen, ein Bürger für den Frieden – a citizen for peace, Kiel – GERMANY
contact: petersen_kiel (at) t-online.de
- Thomas Roithner, Friedensforscher und Privatdozent für Politikwissenschaft, Wien – AUSTRIA
contact: thomas.roithner (at) univie.ac.atBoris E.Serebryakov, independent nuclear expert, Ph.D., Moscow – RUSSIA
contact: bserebr (at) yandex.ru